The Detroit Area Marines Foundation recognizes the sacrifices made by our veterans and active duty personnel. We understand that life can be challenging, and financial stressors can sometimes become overwhelming. To support our servicemembers in their times of need, we've established a Financial Assistance Program.
To qualify for assistance, you must be a veteran or currently on active duty service. It's essential that you provide proof of service. This could be your DD214, discharge papers, or other qualifying documents that verify your service in the military. Please note that all requests are confidential and handled with the utmost respect and discretion.
We encourage you to fill out the Financial Assistance Request form with as much detail as possible. This will allow us to assess your situation accurately and determine the best way to assist you. Rest assured, your request will be reviewed diligently, and you'll be contacted promptly.
While we strive to assist as many veterans and active duty service members as possible, please understand that not all financial assistance requests can be approved. Each request is carefully reviewed and considered in accordance with our internal voting procedures and annual budget constraints.